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 0201 841170  Ruschenstraße 1, 45133 Essen

Die Goetheschule Essen ... mehr als Unterricht!

English Drama AG

The drama group No Fear! consists of participants of all grade levels. The students are immersed not only in the English language at rehearsals, but also into the world of theater. This learning-by-doing experience gives them exposure to acting basics, choreography, staging, voice and presence training, as well as teamwork and the one-of-a-kind experience of being on stage. It is truly a life changing experience, one that any participant would never regret or forget, and which enriches their lives.


Each year the students of the Goetheschule audition for a new production. The play is written specifically for the cast members, making each production original and unique. Special focus is given to the talents of the students, which are often integrated into the storyline of the play. Students have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of production including staging, costuming, and technical work.

Structure and Production

After the initial round of auditions, the group is split into 2 rehearsal groups: Thursdays from 14.30-16.00 and Fridays 14.30-16.00. In the first phase we focus on stage presence and voice and body training. Once the script is set, the students begin to learn their text and we move into the second phase of scene work. The final phase is the most intense: there are additional workshop weekends for the cast to learn all of the movement and staging, and the final main and dress rehearsals. The premiere is of course the highlight of the entire journey and involves not only the students, but also extra assistance and parents.

The Director

Julie Stearns is originally from Cleveland, Ohio, USA and has been living in Germany for over 20 years. She is an actress/director and theater educator and has produced several theater- based projects in schools, universities and theaters throughout NRW and Germany. Julie also works as a trainer and coach for communication, presentation and self-marketing skills.

Since 2011, Julie has been writing, producing and directing original plays for No Fear! at the Goetheschule.

“The performances and commitment of the students I work with at the Goetheschule is as impressive and amazing as working with professional actors. The spirit of theater exists in their open, curious and enthusiastic nature. The level of performance that they achieve in the plays, is not only impressive for audiences, but is also a significant life-experience in which they gain self-confidence in many, many aspects.” (Julie Stearns)


Goetheschule Essen

Städtisches Gymnasium & International IB World School

Ruschenstraße 1, 45133 Essen

Telefon: +49 201 841170

Telefax: +49 201 8411726


© goetheschule-essen.de by Michael Franke und Jan Ruhrbruch

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